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One man I know answered this question, “procrastination, making messes, and drinking beer.”  Ha!

I’ve discovered that many people do not have self understanding or the language to describe their strengths. In fact, many times they communicate what their weaknesses are rather than their strengths.

The Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment created by the late Donald Clifton–father of the strengths movement–and Gallup Press is a great tool for picking your top five strengths out of 34 strength profiles.

Many organizations like Yahoo, Best Buy, and Toyota are now using the Strengths Finder 2.0 to help build a strengths-based organization led by strengths-based managers.

Playing to our strengths creates a higher percentage of employee and customer engagement. Employees are more fulfilled, stronger leaders, and more focused on team development. Customers are more fulfilled and, in turn, improve the bottom line of a company.

The 34 strengths are based on four domains of leadership.

  1. Executing themes are able to catch an idea and then make it happen.
  2. Influencing themes are strong at selling ideas.
  3. Relationship themes are the glue that holds teams together.
  4. Strategic thinking themes have the vision for possibility.

Visit www.brentobannon.com to discover your top five strengths and catapult your success to another level.

Coaching points:

  1. What do you believe your strengths are?
  2. What would others say your strengths are?

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